Energy Healing

Also known as Spiritual Healing, it connects with energy that is around us, all the time, to benefit your body, mind and spirit.


As an Energy Healer my role is to channel energy that will help you to heal yourself.  The human body is amazing!!  When all our energy centres are working to their full potential our body has the resources it needs to self-heal.  Quite simply,  my job is to help you to tap into the amazing energy that is all around us, fill up your energy centres and give you the best chance to fully recover and be the best you can be.

Energy Healing, sometimes referred to as Spiritual Healing, is a   natural energy therapy. It complements conventional medicine by treating   the whole person –  body, mind and spirit.  The healer channels energy into your body and it goes to wherever it is needed most.  To read more about healing please visit The Healing Trust

The benefits of healing can be felt on many levels, not   just the physical.  Healing balances the body’s natural energy systems promoting a sense of  relaxation, releasing   tensions, and stimulating self-healing. Many people who visit a healer because they are in physical pain find the effects to be profound. The experience of deep relaxation and connection with the universe often triggers a feeling of inner peace. Improved sleep, reduced pain, increased energy and a sense of calm are all regularly reported results after receiving energy healing.

Please get in touch to find out more or book a healing session

When should I think about visiting a healer?

Over the years clients have reported positive results after receiving healing  for a wide range of issues including: 

* Physical pain and illness
* Stress
* Depression
* Bereavement
* Treatable and terminal cancer
* Well-being
* Relaxation
* Improved spiritual connection

Healing can also be a great ‘pick-me-up’ if your energy is low and you are feeling down, or physically or emotionally drained.

What happens during a healing session

In my experience a healing session is more effective when the client is relaxed, awake and involved. will encourage you to sit upright on a chair rather than lying down. I will play gentle music, invite you to close your eyes and take you through some gentle breathing and relaxation exercises. During this time I will stand behind you and lightly place my hands on your shoulders in order for me to tune in to your energy.

The healing treatment is non-invasive so for the remainder of the session I will work with my hands a few inches away from your body. People who are recovering from an operation or have a physical injury often benefit immediately from a gentle ‘hands on’ approach. We will always discuss your preferences around this before the session begins. As the healing works at an energetic level it will pass through your clothing, the important thing is for you to be comfortable, warm and open to the flow of the energy.

Please get in touch to find out more or book a healing session

How much does it cost?

The healing energy belongs to the universe so I don’t charge for it –   however the time I give to healing is very valuable  so I do request that you make a donation to compensate me for this. The first session takes an hour or more in to allow me time to get to know you and understand your situation. Subsequent sessions take 30 – 40 minutes.

People often ask what kind of donation to make.  The guidance I give is that healing is a complimentary therapy and therefore a comparative amount to other complimentary therapies is a fair amount.  I stress that the most important thing for me is to use the gift that I have been given so I would not want anybody to decide not to visit me because they feel that they can’t afford it.